Welcome to the world of PICO-8 Pokemon! Picodex is a complete generation 1 Pokemon battle simulator, with slight modifications, that fits within a single 32KB PICO-8 cartridge.
Standard PICO-8 controls apply to this game. For a computer keyboard this is: "arrows", "x/z", "enter".
There are 6 modes in Picodex:
: View all Pokemon you have unlocked along with stats and possible moves.EDIT
: Edit up to 3 teams. Customize Pokemon and movesets in each team.LEAGUE
: Battle against trainers in the Pokemon league.VERSUS
: Take turns playing a custom match between you and a friend.HORDE
: Have your team battle all 151 Pokemon in order with no breaks.CREDITS
: See who helped make the game.
Picodex initially loads with only 6 Pokemon unlocked. You can unlock more Pokemon by defeating trainers in LEAGUE mode. Everytime you win a battle, you unlock all the Pokemon the opponent had as well as their entire moveset. Picodex will auto-save any Pokemon/trainers/scores you have unlocked, so don't be afraid to close it and play again later.
Picodex is also available on itch at: https://alanxoc3.itch.io/picodex
If you want to learn more about the battle mechanics, expand this section:
If you need a reference of all the moves and what they do, expand this section:
Anyways, that's everything you need to know to get started on your very own Picodex journey. Good luck catching 'em all!

I know you've been working on this for quite a while! Congrats on release!!

Thanks @ridgek, I wish I could have fit some music into it for a radio submission, but I was really testing the space constraints with this project :).

This is so cool. I was always wondering how a "real" pokedex would be interacted with. Very cool job!

I got done playing Pokémon Blue only recently so this is a real treat. I'm super impressed how much you guys packed into one cart. One thing though: Could you change N alive/dead to N OK/fainted? It would make me feel a little better about making them battle to the death :p
I'm currently challenging myself by bringing only 3 unique pokemon with their default moves to league battles. It's tough but with my growing selection it seems doable; I'm up to Beauty so far!

I just released Picodex Dual! Also a single PICO-8 cart, but now for the complete gold/silver/crystal battle system. On lexaloffle and itch:
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