A City Park Snowglobe by ohhcurtains
A link to play the game on itch.io
Feed the birds, sit on benches, and search for your grandson's lost mittens.
Relax and explore a pretty pixel-art park underneath a flock of cardinals which display flocking behaviors.
Created for the Advent Calendar Jam 2022.
⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️: Walk
🅾️: Throw Bread
❎: Confirm/Interact

Brief but charming, @ohhcurtains. Gold star performance.
As it was called "snowglobe" I was expecting it to pan out at the end and show the entire park and the old man are in fact inside a snow globe.

Nice and relaxing. I loved feeding the birds and watching them.
Just a bug to signal : the game crashes when throwing bread out of bounds (facing the park entrance).

nicely done! it's always nice to see more games where you get to feed birds :D
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