SPEEDCAT v1.1 Patch Notes:
- added 130ms coyote time
- added a new block: platforms
- reworked room layouts for better flow and feel
A game all about collecting coins and being faster than your friends!
How to Play
Can you be the speediest cat? There are 32 different "rooms" that you can explore. Within each room, there is exactly one (1) SPEEDCOIN that you can collect! Collecting the 32nd coin will immediately end the game and display your completion time and the number of deaths you had!
The coins can be collected in any order, so use your creativity to think of creative routes to get those coins even faster the next time! Or, you could attempt a no-deaths run! Share your high scores in the comments below to compete with the SPEEDCAT community!
Modes of Play:
In SPEEDCAT, there are two modes: "Normal Mode" and "Hard Mode". The only difference between the two modes is that some blocks will blink on and off in "Hard Mode", making some jumps more difficult than in "Normal Mode". Other than that, the modes are identical.
- Left & right arrow keys - move SPEEDCAT
- "Z" or up arrow key - jump
In menus:
- Arrow keys - navigate menu
- "Z" - select option
PICO-8 menus:
- "P" - open menu
- "ENTER" - select option
- Arrow keys - navigate menu
About the Game
SPEEDCAT has been my "pet" project for the past 2.5 years. It started as an experiment for myself to learn more about how to detect and resolve 2d collisions. When I started, I didn't realize I'd be finishing the entire game!
I've taken my time on this game. Whenever I felt like my heart was in it, I'd put some work into the game, and whenever I was feeling burnt out, I took a break! So while it's taken longer to develop than the average development time for a game this size, I feel like this game is the culmination of all I've learned thus far in game development!
- Developed by: Fletch
- Written in: PICO-8
- Background music composed by: Andrew Carlson
- Playtested by:
- Clark O Tron
- Benny
- Cowboy
- Salayna (Sachi)
- SpicyCheeseBite
- Spak
- PixelDud
- DJF#1107
- Claire Kascher - v1.1
- TurdBoomerang - v1.1
- Thanks to jacobpierce for their reproduction of the PICO-8 font for use in the trailer and other promotional graphics
- Huge shoutout to my wife for all of her support and encouragement throughout the entire development process. Her words of excitment and encouragement helped me through many speedbumps!

Neat little game! Spring hitboxes are a bit annoying but it's okay. Nailed a 8:35 time (18 deaths, four or five to the same darn spike it wasn't even that hard of a jump) on Normal.

Nicely designed. I like how the first few rooms are one puzzle per room, and then it expands to a question of navigating the entire map. My first run I think I got 31 coins in 8 minutes, and the rest of the time was finding the last room that I had never been to before:

@aKidCalledAris : Are these the spikes that gave you trouble? Because I think at least 5 of my 18 deaths were trying to clear these.

@aKidCalledAris, @Cowirrie, thank you so much for playing my game! Yes, that spike is a difficult jump! Thank you both for the kind words.

Superb work, @fletch_pico ! You have truly mastered the gift of writing a competitive, accurate, and versatile platformer.
Just imagine if some of these gems were available when the Atari 2600 was out. You would be sitting mighty pretty.
Gold star to you !

@dw817 said it best. @fletch_pico If you could have monetized this game back in the 80s it could be considered a classic.
What is wonderful about this is that it shows what can be done with limitations. It has a very limited palette, sprites and sounds. There are only 3 controls and a few rules of the world to learn. And you have made a really fun game. Well done. This is really, really, good. A credit to your map design.
Can't wait to see what you make next.

@phil, thank you! I worked very hard on polishing the game and trying to work within those self-imposed restrictions.
I'm currently working on a doodle-jump-esque game called Earthquack. It stars a duck protagonist that has super sonic quacks that shake the earth! I am developing it every week live on Twitch in case you want to offer advice and input! I love to receive community feedback!
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