You have 80 seconds and 6 health points to make it around the world! Can you do it?! (Probably, yes.)
Up and Down Arrows to select your choice. Z to choose! Some choices will lose you some body parts. Lose your head and you lose the game!
Originally intended for the 48 hr Compo time constraints and some fails with file transfers pushed the deadline into the 72hr Jam. A good practice for learning this tiny gaming suite and it was really enjoyable to make.
Please enjoy this tiny project!

Clever interpretation of the LD theme to make a parody of 80 Days (I'm assuming that was on purpose) :)

This is such a strange form of spam. They want me to play sudoku on a broken webpage? I don't even see traditional banner ads or malware. Just some information and a game that won't load... ???

Lindarose11, are you even real ? I can find no other posts from you except this. And your link just gives a black screen.
Virus waiting to happen perhaps ?
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