Love the PICO-8 platform.
I just got a perfect handheld to run pico-8 games.
It's a RGB30 with a new metal shell and with a modified system programmed for pico-8 only. Hope you like it!

Damn, I admire the commitment to remove two buttons to get the "original" layout. What does the "Select" button (top left next to the dpad) do?

It does look very clean. Given the choice, though, I always pick using the left and bottom buttons as their layout matches the orientation of my thumb and I can just rock the end and first joint back and forth, instead of the bottom and right buttons so I have to constantly move it side to side.

Pretty cool... could you elaborate a bit on the "modified system programmed for pico-8 only"? Is it based on an existing CFW? Can it run Splore?
I have an RGB30 and I wouldn't mind using it as an exclusive Pico-8 device as long as it boots fast and can run Splore.

@JadeLombax, it could be a thumb friendly layout, but for a little bit balanced look, I pick left + right version.

@picoter8, it's a modified JELOS firmware. It could be directly running on RGB30. Using this system, you can either run pico-8 games with fake08 emulator if no license, but you can install paid version and run Splore. It's still early version, I can post some shortcuts if it reaches beta.
And maybe in later version, we can implement some network features to let user read posts from this handheld.
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