Game I made for a game jam at work. Theme is 'Delay the Inevitable'.
If controls are difficult, try focusing on keeping the airplane parallel to the ground.
Was fun making this, especially with my son cheering me on.
The underlying physics still needs work - I think that was what gave me the hardest time.
If I had more time I'd devote it to making actual music (not that I know how), fixing the physics (also don't know how), and building out the level so it's more interesting (sort of know how).
Thanks for giving it a shot.

I love this concept. It's simple. It's funny. It's relatable. Well done.

Great game! I spent an hour trying to beat Tatery1's score, and I did!

I managed to fly it backwards back into the house and then it got launched straight up like a rocket. No idea what happened there, but it was kind of funny. Nice little game though.
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