Sweet ! This is the kind of cart you just sit back and go ooOOooh, that's impressive ! Gold star for you, @Hobhob.

now we just need that one guy with lightning in his eyes and text saying "You should kill yourself... NOW!"

This is super cool... did you have any resources that helped you create this? If so could you share?

@dw817 Thank you very much!
@burninator None whatsoever besides pictures of real life lightning! I initially made a much simpler lightning generator for another game, before expanding it into this. It really was just a lot of random number fiddling. I broke down that other function here in this twitter thread if you'd like to take a look at it. https://twitter.com/freezypop8/status/1477036043056648198?s=20
This generator is basically that simpler generator with some additions where it creates an initial bolt before picking random points along the initial bolt to spawn more bolts, like a tree. It's actually a little annoying how tree shaped it is so I sort of want to fiddle with it some more.

I was trying to figure out what this reminded me of, and I finally got it: the intro to One Must Fall 2097. It has better music, but you've got better bolts.
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