I like how Fault 1 is going up, and Fault 2 is going down. What's next, Fault 3 which is going left?
Also cool secret ending :)

hey @ooooggll! you might be right about Fault 3... or it'll be like adelie...
glad you liked the secret ending! although, kuliat made it, not me!

fault 2? the first one wasnt that long ago, im excited to try this out.
edit: dang, falling is actually really fun, and i think the way you used breakable blocks really works, the secret ending was a fun little challenge and i enjoyed this very much.

8/10 the secret ending is so fun! The falling is a very creative mechanic and the ruins sprites are fantastic. I wish it was longer cause it was so well made.

thank you! I wanted to keep the same length as Fault 1, and to be the reverse of Fault 1, so I kept it short and sweet!
I'm glad you enjoyed the secret ending, that was kuliat's work!

After trying for quite a while, I managed to get sub 1 min for the secret ending. Going down was very fun and I really liked the level design.

Nice mod, it definitely jumps in difficulty from fault 1, but I liked the going down thing, and the breakable blocks being used as mechanics. Some parts felt slightly jank, but overall it was pretty fun. A secret route is always nice to see in a celeste mod, even if it was relatively short.

hey, thanks @coolelectronics!
what parts felt jank to you? just so I know what to do better when faut 3-
uh what parts felt jank?
and thanks Cal! that's a crazy time

Specifically, this part in ruins where you need to dash up a little bit and go through the spikes and then fall and dash up into the block to avoid falling into the spikes.
The concept would work if it was arranged a little differently, but how it stands, it doesn't really flow well with the level design

Here, I would avoid using one block gaps wherever possible, it just doesn't work that well. if the row of tiles with the spikes on top were moved up 1 or 2 blocks, this part would have been almost perfect.

Just follow these terrible drawings that I made:

Damn I’m trash. I saw the flag and the block to the side and I knew there was some sis stuff

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