I don't know. I had the idea for this for forever.
You can press down to go half-speed, left and right to scan through the parts of the chorus.
The audio and graphics go out of sync and I've coded to accomodate for this, but it seems like it's unpredictable. You'll probably hear a glitch as it loops. On my machine the graphics are like .5% slower than the audio. IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO there is this M variable in the code you can tweak.
EDIT: Alternate self-corrupting version.

This is so funny and also a great PICO-8 cover! Nice animation on the cat there as well ;)

The animations are cool as heck. Just like the hiking one, it has a bit of follow-through where the head bounces a little more than the body. It's a simple effect but it makes the cats so much more lively.

Aw, adorable!
Could you give a bit of an explanation of how you slowed the music down? You get really deep bass that way, I wonder if that can be done in a normal game?

Thanks everyone for the compliments!!
Hey there. There is a nice explanation of it in this thread along with some other effects you can do.
In my code it's this line:
poke(0x5f40,15) |

Thanks for the response. I keep coming back to this because it's better than the original song o_O

cute and love the syncing there.
Reminds me of some anime themes played on the NES or the like.
Hope to see these cats more sometime and hopefully in an adventure game sometime.
Love the art style too, again, hope to see more of them.

That's a rather kinky song if you read in to the lyrics .. :} Great animation and music BTW.

Tapping the down arrow in rhythm is a great way to make a "swing remix" :D

Thanks for that cart, it made my day when I found it :)
To sync with the music, you should use the the stat function with the (now documented) parameter to get the track and position in the track:
stat x 16..19 Index of currently playing SFX on channels 0..3 20..23 Note number (0..31) on channel 0..3 |
Edit: By the way ZEP, this topic show a limitation of your search algorithm, it's impossible to find the non corrupted version of this cart while searching, as you only give the latest version for what I call the project ID. Even if I'm searching the cart ID (31028) I will get the corrupted version

Very stylish! I bet the orange cat is having a fun time hearing her sing.

I tried putting the corrupting code in Jelpi. Here are some things that happened:
A bunch of monsters appear and defeat Jelpi.
The building falls apart.
Chunks of the ground disappear, and Jelpi falls into one.
Jelpi sees a doppelganger of herself. It just stands there.
Jelpi defeats a human.
It rains pumpkins. Jelpi jumps over an invisible block and eats them, but then a monster appears and defeats her.

everyone gangsta until this becomes a fnf mod. (Seriously, they make everything a mod. Even some stairs)
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