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This is a preview of pico boulder dash.
(Not by Nizart, they just shared the cart on lexaloffle)

Cart #pico_boulder_dash-10 | 2020-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This game is under construction, hence it's posted under "work in progress".
However, the tutorial levels are already kind of playable.

Update 1
Now there are the first 6 levels of the classic boulder dash game included.

Update 2
I added a bunch of extra levels. Some of them a quite challenging.

Critical feedback is welcome!

-Made by Michael Karneim-


All Comments

Feels very faithful to original. The music as far as I remember is a perfect fit.

I do wonder if using smaller sprites would allow for more interesting levels.

The original used scrolling too as far as I remember, will there be scrolling stages in this?

Yes, the next version will have scrolling stages. At least some of them will be rebuilds of the original levels from 1984.

This is awesome.
I agree with @SquidLight, the music is a great conversion.
However, while initially thrown by lack of the original levels (as far as I can remember) - I found these "incremental" levels to be really great puzzles!
Keep up the great work! 😉👍

The music credits should go to the folks from retrointernals.
We have just entered the scores into pico-8.

I have updated the cartridge!
Now there are the first 6 levels from the original game.

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