have you ever wanted to do z ordering, but without careful programming practices?
well i have the product for you!
introducing: the queue() and drawq() functions!
queue(--[[any function (spr, rect, pal, anything)]],{--[[array of parameters]]},--[[order index]])
use this to put things in the queue.
no parameters here! it just bubble sorts --[[oh god]] the functions and calls them in that order,
meaning that --[[for example]], spr calls with the y pos passed as an index, will be stacked like real things, and no more characters standing on each others heads!
run this to clear the queue. this is the var which i used for queues. this is not perfect, but improvements are left as an exercise for the reader. --please post them, as i know i could do better.
anyway, the script:
function queue(f,p,o) add(q,{f,p,o}) end function drawq() --improvements by @packrat! repeat local swp=true for l=1,#q-1 do if q[l][3]>q[l+1][3] then q[l+1],q[l]=q[l],q[l+1] swp=false end end until swp for d in all(q) do d[1](unpack(d[2])) end end |
here's a little example!

quick lua notes:
x, y = y, x
will exchange x and y without issue in lua - you don't need to explicitly create a tmp swap variable
also this feels like a really good use case for a repeat-until loop, which we love unreasonably but more importantly in this case saves tokens because swp doesn't need to be defined outside the loop
function drawq() repeat local swp=true for l=1,#q-1 do if q[l][3]>q[l+1][3] then q[l+1],q[l]=q[l],q[l+1] swp=false end end until swp for d in all(q) do d[1](unpack(d[2])) end end |
thanks again - this is way easier than what we did last time we tried to do a draw order (which, uh, we never actually got working I think)

@packbat nevermind i implemented it. this is mostly to help people with quickly setting up z-order stuff. have fun!

Bubble sorting every frame is extremely costly... why don't you change for a presorted selective insertion list?
function queue(f,p,o) q[o]=q[o] or {} add(q[o],{f,p}) end function drawq() for _,l in pairs(q) do for d in all(l) do d[1](unpack(d[2])) end end end |
With that change your demo goes from 11-12% cpu (bubble sort) to 4% cpu (presorted insertion)
There is a small issue though, you require int orders

Hmm sorry... has some issues with sorting... I will patch my suggestion ;) give me some time

For a small number of objects, this is indeed an option.
I have a variant that I used for my Nuklear Klone, that simply uses a sparse table of objects with the same "z-order".
It is twice as fast as using @kirbofan sort :]

Ok, not fully optimal... you can have a more efficient selective insert strategy but still more efficient than the bubble sort.. (around 5.5%) Only requiring an extra array for the "orders"
function queue(f,p,o) q[o]=q[o] or {} add(q[o],{f,p}) if #order==0 then add(order,o) else -- todo optimizable with better -- selective insertion algorithm local idx = 1 for val in all(order) do if (val > o) break idx+=1 end add(order,o,idx) end end function drawq() for _,o in ipairs(order) do for d in all(q[o]) do d[1](unpack(d[2])) end end end |

Similar variant as @slainte using a linked list - still slower than the brute force "array" version :]
Queue API:
-- basic 2d z-ordering -- sorted list variant by @freds72 local q={z=-0x8000} function queue(f,p,o) local head,prev=q,q while head and head.z<o do -- swap/advance prev,head=head,head.next end -- insert new thing prev.next={f,p,z=o,next=prev.next} end function drawq() local head=q.next while head do head[1](unpack(head[2])) head=head.next end q={z=-0x8000} end |
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