Its geepo!
[citation needed]
- a few levels exist i guess
- oh i guess theres more now
- gosh i've been making levels haven't i
- 18/29 levels
- there's even crates that crush you and such
- D Y N A M I C
- level titles and a grey text partner thing
- a fancy cover image for once
- and a custom menu option (or 3)
- thats cool
- also music and sfx
- even cooler
- with the extended pallete!
- please tell me if you don't like the styling, as its been a big visual change.
- also a level select
- and now saving wow
- for coins also
- yeah
- those are a thing
- with messages when you collect them
- and when you die
- also this boy
- look at this boy
[0x0] - LOOK AT HIM

i really like how you introduce mechanics in this. great pacing so far. can't wait for more levels! this was super fun.
also, thank you for letting me know to look at him because he is so cute!

@anydayhappyday Thanks! His name is Bert,
and you can switch to him in the pause menu!
Also Bert says thanks!
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[0x0] |

Thsi game is so cool!
I love it
Looking forward to more levels

Fun concept! Love the snarky comments about levels and collecting treasure too.

@Nosnibor28 glad you like them! I'm struggling with level ideas, but I only have to make 30 total, before i hit a map limit, and get to stop.
also fun fact i started this on the pocket chip, and just did more on top of it after transitioning to a desktop

Awesome game! I love the gameplay and visuals!
(Though it somehow hard on the eyes with menu and gameplay backgrounds moving)

@witchunic thanks for the feedback! any ideas for fixing the background? maybe if i slow everything down? have a nice day!

Nice... taking after this other cart ? Mechanics are very similar

@slainte oh yeah! i started this independently on my pocket chip, to clarify.
this isn't a clone, i think, but thanks for checking.
enjoy the geepo.gif gang!

Not saying you cloned ;) actually that gameplay is old... It's what is called "ice sliding puzzles" ( and it's a very old mechanic used in plenty of games and mini-games. keep on the good job with the game!

@slainte ok! glad you like it. :) i think i had seen sliding puzzles before, but not under that name. glad for that tidbit!
have a great day!
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