added the smallest bit of environmental storytelling and small tweaks to the design and audio mix.
the finished product is out tomorrow!
more sound and music by @AliceB! skipped over 0.13 cos that's build featured all of the music before it was implemented in the code
if you can fill this form in i will be very happy
FEEDBACK FORM: https://forms.gle/QsyQEUHpY4aWDWGL8
added an ending effect (thank you to @spellcaster), more level redesign which i'm feeling pretty good about.
few more tweaks! not far away from posting it's finished form.
the movement's a lil different! as is the level design
(NOTE: am aware of the screenshake that happens sometimes when you hit a wall, that's an unintended result of the new friction.)
hitboxes for the spikes are a little more forgiving and redrew the floating spikes.
fixed a few things, created an idle pose!
if you could fill out this form about how you found the game i'll love you forever!
more re-design, new start and end screens, and music by @AliceB. also big thanks to @kimiyoribaka for supplying code for screenshake and collision (dd's feet touch the floor all the time now!)
another visual tweak, more visual depth to the tiles, but unsure if i've made it too visually busy, let me know.
more redesign and visual tweaks
after accidentally deleting two levels (don't mess with those bits patterns that form in the tilesets folks!) but i have done some redesign and made the springs easier to use.
done some updating to the level design! got someone making new music so taken away all the sound for this one, let me know what you think!
been trying make a minimalist platformer with an atari 2600-meets-nes pixel aesthetic. still trying to do stuff with it (make the idle and jump poses work, add auto-scroll to the last stage, and edit the music level designs to make it really pop). let me know what you think!

That was just long enough for the music build-up to work really well.
I liked it.

Found a glitch when trying to jump onto this platform

Apart from that I think the game plays very well

@NaeD heya! dw aware of this too, it's a result of the type of collision code i'm using, looking to fix it though, and i'm glad you like it otherwise!

Looks like you fixed the bug above
But I’ve found another, I can jump after I’ve left a platform (in mid air)

Great game tho, think this’d be great for speeding
Found this also, no collision detection on this wall

Cool game! I think that if the player is stationary, the sprite should revert back to him standing, because a running sprite standing still looks kinda odd.
Overall, Well done!
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