I made this game for the olc:BeatTheBoredom game jam during the COVID-19 Quarentine
I hope you like this fun, silly game!
This game has 63 chickens.
Thank you @kyubr for doing the math for me on how many of the first chicken you need to get the last one.
Please do not comment what the chickens look like (It's a surprise).
If you beat the game please comment below BUT DO NOT SHOW A SCREENSHOT OR SAY WHAT THE CHICKENS LOOK LIKE.
If you would like to show a screenshot, please make it hidden, like this.
Merge Chickens Hall of Fame
First Highest Chicken Discovered: Anonymous tied with @CandyColt_Games: level 12
Second Highest Chicken Discovered: @FishyFry57: level 11
Third Highest Chicken Discovered: @kyubr: level 10
If you beat any of these records post your record in the comments

A cute little game. I have a minor suggestion: if the merged chicken is placed on the second chicken (the destination) rather than the first one, that would make it easier to select the new chicken immediately to continue merging.
You would need to merge 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (2^63) level 1 chickens to make one level 64 chicken. If you could merge one chicken every second, it would take over two billion years to reach the level 64 chicken.

@kyubr wow. that is a lot of chickens I would have to merge. I will add that as soon as possible.
EDIT: added it!

When 2048 meets chickens this happens
Love, love, love the music

Thanks for the change. It's definitely much easier to chain merging now. I noticed something weird that may be a side effect of that change: if I select one chicken then select empty grass I get the error sound, and the highlighting border moves onto the grass. Selecting grass again does the same thing. Select a chicken when grass is highlighted gives the error sound, then selects the new chicken. A better approach might be to play the error if grass is selected, but leave the original chicken highlighted.
Lots of chickens piled up while I was typing this, and merging them all got me up to about chicken 10.

@kyubr soooo beating this game is impossible and the last hour I've spent aspiring for the 64th chicken is admirable but pointless?

@Skelteon Don't give up! If you do get to the last chicken I will put you in the MERGE CHICKENS HALL OF FAME!!!!

You would need to merge 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (2^63) level 1 chickens to make one level 64 chicken. If you could merge one chicken every second, it would take over two billion years to reach the level 64 chicken. |
As much as I want that hall of fame, I don't think it's possible lol.

Great little game! Definitely making me less bored during the quarantine!

could add support to mouse that would make the game 3,14159265359 times better

omg cute! I will merge every chicken I see IRL from now on. The chicken singularity is at hand.
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