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Cart #40597 | 2017-05-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I decided to take an old puzzle I grabbed at a garage sale or thrift store some years ago into a cart. Still a WIP, but the core mechanics of fiddling with the puzzle are all there.

The far-left and far-right columns can shift one space up and one space down from their starting positions and all pieces can be slide all the way left or right. The currently selected column (L/R) is displayed at the top of the screen.

-Left: Toggles column if currently on "R", If column is "L" then shifts all pieces as far left as they'll go.
-Right: Toggles column if currently on "L", If column is "R" then shifts all pieces as far right as they'll go.
-Up/Down: Shifts the currently selected column, if it can be shifted in that direction.
-Z: Scrolls through the side-menu options.
-X: Selects the highlighted side-menu option.

Planned Features:
-Fully fleshed-out UI
-Start Screen
-Win Screen

Stretch Goals:

Please comment and let me know what you think ^_^
This is the second cart I've posted and I'm always open for feedback.

Added side-menu and implemented Scramble and Restart functionality.

Modified sprites for pieces to reduce the amount of color-sharing between pieces.
Modified spacing of rows, in an effort to make the nuances of the puzzle more intuitive.

Older Versions:

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First game I've finished ever, first cart submitted for PICO-8 ^_^.

This game was created to be a submission for the #MagazineJam :https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=28950

The final cart has exactly 100 lines of code, 0 sprites, and only uses 5 sound patterns (2 for effects and 3 for music)

Game Details:

-Earn points by surviving longer
-Earn +50 points per second by flying your ship in reverse
-An additional asteroid/rock is added every 600 points
-Max and min speed are capped

Collisions for the asteroids/rocks can get a little buggy because of the way I implemented collision-detection and screen-wrapping. If any asteroids get locked up on each other, just wait for another one to bump into them; that usually shakes 'em loose ;).

Please comment and let me know what you think! Constructive criticism, please ;). I'm open to all feedback and suggestions! I had to adjust my original design of the game, in order to accommodate the constraints of the challenge, so I branched a file off of the main for the MagazineJam submission, and plan to return to the original design and get it fully fleshed out.

Thanks for taking the time to play my game!

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