Proud part of the PICO-8 Advent Calendar 2019.
This year Santa Claus is in an incredible mood for dancing... enjoy a small Christmas Doodle!
Cart by Matthias Falk
Music by gruber
Snow effect adapted from a code example by trasevol_dog, inspired by CELESTE (Matt & Noel)
Santa animation by
On you can find my other games and follow me for updates.
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About Pico-8 Advent Calender
During December, each day will be filled with new and exciting PICO-8 games! We have gathered 25 great developers from the PICO-8 community and we have worked hard to make some new games. Each day leading up to Christmas, there will be a new surprise for you!
Find out more at:

Good and cute. Be sure and give credit to CELESTE (Matt & Noel) for the snow routine.

Thanks for the note. I am using a code example from trasevol_dog (who in turn states that it's his own implementation, not the one used in Celeste :D). Made sure to include him in the credits.

Hmm ... Now the curious thing is here which came first, Noel or Trasevol. :) Checked did not see any snow programs from Trasevol.
I just recognize patterns when I see them and that's carbon of the snow in Celeste.

"Shamelessly stole from Celeste." Then says he wrote his own that merely looks exactly like it.
Well there's a brainweave for ya.
To be fair I also wrote my own, but it doesn't look like anyone else's, and it changes direction over time.
Alright, I guess I'm done here. :D
Thanks, @matthias.
Here is a STAR for you and your delightful Christmas Music Video.

Alright, I've added the makers of Celeste to the thread too.
Now, we should find out where they learned that you can reuse a random seed to create a wavy / snowy pattern on the screen and credit that person too. :D

A random seed is used ? Why ? I think ... I think I can reproduce this without. Gimme a sec ...

There, I think that's pretty close, and it doesn't use a random seed. Coded from observation only.

Is it just me or is this abysmally slow, not sure my PC can handle this

I thought I remember it running without going over cpu but something must've changed since then :<
Still fun though
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