Got up to 38. Fair snake.
Might want to look at, "Snake Byte" for the Apple ][.
Notice it has a timer and PLUMS.

I'm on an underpowered net book so I'll have to look at the video later, but from what I did notice, "Snake Byte" looks pretty cool.
38 isn't too shabby! Thanks for taking the time to try it, and respond to the post.

That timer was really cool, certainly adds some stress for the player to hurry up and hopefully force a mistake.
I'm not sure what you mean by PLUMS. Could you elaborate?

I got 32, making a silly mistake. I like this snake over others because it is not overly polished, like the Google search "Snake," but still slightly so, coming with a nice grid and acceleration, a good throw above the simple ones.

Morning, @purdy. Plums are simple, they are balls that bounce around off of the player's tail but if they hit the player's first part squarely, it counts as a loss of life.
Here, let me code one.

Here is one to show how it would react to the snake and how to bounce around it.

Watch the Snake Byte demo again to see the PLUMS bouncing around the player.
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