This is a game made out of love for Celeste if you think this is the same as vanilla celeste pico8 you are wrong, I removed the dash, changed the sprite, I added troll blocks and as a result, had to change a lot of levels and make brand new original levels for the second half of the game. "The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend"(Shakespear, 1597).

I dont want to be a dick but this mod is really just garbage. The gameplay isnt fun, its unoriginal, the spitres look ugly with the color scheme (i like the madeline sprite tho) and its really just lazy.

Once again, I guess I need another new rubber stamp.
But word it, "I wasn't going to say anything - but there ya go."
@Chocapic360, suggest you write new original carts. As long as the gameplay is solid, they will almost always receive the high praise they deserve.

Challenge: No dash
Challenge difficulty: Impossible
Review: Ive revised my review, and this is actually a pretty good mod! I think some jumps may be unfair, but its new and exciting. Honestly, definetly play this, even if its kinda bad. its fun!

Hey @Chocapic360. I went onto ArcadePreHacks and I saw that your game has been uploaded with out your permission. Much love, Rimuru.

@Celeste_Pro If you're a real celeste pro, why does nobody in the celeste community know who you are :madethink:

@DankusItch, I honestly kinda like your celeste mod, but please don't come and trash on my game by calling it lazy and unoriginal when your game is not that much better. All you did was change a few sprites here and there and basically change the levels a little.

@Chocapic360 I’m sorry if I came off as rude, but in my honest opinion this mod doesn’t really add anything new :/. It’s kind of just vanilla Celeste with a new color planet and a lack of Celestes most iconic feature, it’s dash, while keeping the exact same levels resulting in unfun gameplay. A good idea could have been to reduce the gravity throughout the game and create new levels that fit with that gimmick. As for your comment about Funklost, you didn’t actually play it did you? We didn’t just change some sprites and levels but added in new features such as scrolling levels, sideways springs, wind and snowballs from golden ridge, green launch bubbles, and the ability to exit certain stages from the side along with berry blocks with no berry which Noel added in last minute.

I guess if everyone wants to be a dick then fine but just know that I'm just a kid that wanted to make a game and whoever posts a stupid comment that provides nothing but hate should probably reconsider their life decisions and go do something else than comment here to say that the game is stupid and unoriginal, when you know it's a celeste MOD and is just another way of playing the amazing game of celeste. I honestly wish I could disable comments so I could stop having to read this bullshit.

People are being too harsh on you. We all have to start somewhere; modding and editing is a great way to learn. Don't get too discouraged from other people's opinions or mean comments, it's the internet, people forget someone's on the other side of the computer. But, do listen to feedback and criticisms, it's the only way to improve, just don't take them too personally.
If you had fun making it, then continue, it's all that matters! I do suggest starting from scratch next time, now that you have some experience with Pico8.

What is the point of this mod? All you really did was take away Celeste's main feature (the ability to dash). Now you could probably have done something pretty cool with that but all you did was add crumbling blocks where ever you might have needed to dash in Celeste.

This is an excellent mod. I see a lot of haters in the comments here, some critical others just being rude. It's a great version! Love the Mars theme, the challenges are well built, and the little astronaut guy is cute af. @Chocapic360

@Chocapic360 I love the idea! But I feel like it was executed poorly,troll blocks can make some players frustrated and/or annoyed,the level design isn't really enjoyable (only changed the levels a bit instead of actually making new levels),the no dash concept has a lot of potential,but you did nothing with it (except putting crumbles where you need to dash at),but everyone always has some sort of start into PICO-8 or Game Dev in general,so don't worry if people didn't really like what you made,even I had some old,bad projects but I kept practicing and learning until I can make (decent) projects.

why is the whole comments toxic? its a nice mod, why is everyone so RUDE!?

There's a fine line between constructive criticism and just plane hateful comments, and half of the comments on here are just hateful ones.
It appears many of you are upset that a MOD of a game is DIFFERENT than the original game? I mean, I'm in awe, never would I ever have expected that a MOD of a GAME that was FAN MADE for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT has DIFFERENCES from the original game. The only real problem with the game is the troll blocks, which honestly are not even incredibly bad. It's fine if you don't like the mod, it's fine if you feel like it's bad, but to those who this applies to, it seems more like you're just annoyed that something wasn't in perfect condition, and if you feel that way, maybe pico-8 isn't the best place for you.
Hate the mod, love the mod, or don't care at all, I'm just more worried at how many other people some of these people have put down by calling it "criticism"
Have a good day to you all, and to @Chocapic360, don't let the angry rants on the internet get to you. You're mod is a good one and there's always room for improvement, but don't let someone else's standards, especially a toxic person, get to your head.

really hard but at least it's a good opportunity to practice grace jumps

Geez, why is everyone so rude and toxic on this thread? I personally think it's really interesting to re-think these level layouts in the new context of not having your dash! And you did an excellent job reworking the levels to be fun and interesting even without the dash. Of course, other people don't have to agree with this opinion, but I don't see how that makes them entitled to act like the world's biggest Celeste connoisseur and call the mod garbage or lazy. I mean there are some Celeste mods that are literally just palette/sprite swaps and you don't see people having a hissy fit over those.
If I have one criticism though, I do agree that the fake blocks/spikes aren't very fun. Your good level designs would shine even more if you could see the level in its entirety from the start, no strings attached. Fake blocks make it basically necessary to do trial and error deaths to finish some levels, which isn't much fun. I think it's more enjoyable for the player when they can easily puzzle out a route through a level and the hard part is just doing it.
But great job @Chocapic360! Don't let these angry internet trolls get to you.
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