Uh, Madeline maybe you shouldnt get drunk before climbing a 3km tall mountain.
Mod of CelesteP8
Distortion: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2847
Music corruption: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3561
Fixed distortion ending, was some debug thing i was doing and forgot to delete.

I made it to 1100 meters, but that's the best I can do. Clever and damn hard.

I don't feel so good.
I bet this would be a fun game to play while actually under the effect of the mentioned cause of distortion.

Okay, so I made it to the chest, and unfortunately, when Madeline levels up, the screen distortion ends.

Interesting the distortion shouldnt end, fixing that.
edit: Done

14:14 with 158 deaths. Wow this messed with my brain. I really had to rely on muscle memory for most of this one.

Got to 2500 and got all berries up to that point but then quit because it was making me sick. why

I decided not to drink, and got to 3000. 2600 was one of the worst nightmares I've ever experienced, and I've seen this game recently called jump king. This reminds me of it.

@memesforum I did it. The only reason I beat this like that is purely on muscle memory, I remembered how I'm supposed to jump and move for most of the levels, but even then this still hurt my brain.

RAP: -4
Edit: if you really want to have a good time,
use interlace

416 Amp
4 Length
575 Speed
triple vision
try to beat Level 4

no no you got it all wrong. madeline didnt get drunk and climbed a mountain, she climbed the mountain BECAUSE she was drunk

interlace: true
amp: 50
length: 4
speed: 50
triple madeline (only two can be on screen at once)

Umm... I don't feel so good :<... anyway, I think that's 6:53, 14 strawberries and I don't know how many deaths. Very good mod! but kinda hard for me
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