It's the Waddleball Grand Championship! Competitors must master the art of The Waddle if they hope to emerge victorious!
Left arrow key: Waddle left
Right arrow key: Waddle right
Alternate arrow keys: Waddle straight
Press and hold either key to dash
X or Z: Choose or exit level
You are Waddleduck, a chubby duck with the heart of a champion! Prove your mettle in 6 minigames by booting moles, stomping on tiles and destroying asteroids! Or, relax in free-play mode and kick some balls around.
Waddleball V1.2 fixes some stability issues in the Mole Whacker and Duck Defender modes, and also fixes a sprite sizing bug at the start of each level.

This is amazing!
My only few criticisms are that sometimes you can't turn quite sharply enough but i understand it's supposed to feel a little out of control and that the mole whacker mode is just a better version of tile stomper.
Oh and maybe i'm doing something wrong but simon says seems to be broken for me. Unless it's supposed to just sit there.

Thanks Cabledragon! :)
I totally see what you mean about mole-whacker and tile stomper! As for Simon, it should work if you turn in the same direction of the green duck. If you hold the position for a moment, you'll get a point and the duck will change direction! If it's still not working, maybe take a gif snapshot of it and message me with it, so I can fix whatever bug is causing you trouble!

Yo eggnog I've played a few of your games now and I just love the style and energy they have! The last 3 all had a very distinctive 'eggnog games' style which is awesome. Also really like the shadow projection effect on the balls in this one to have a point light feeling light source from above. Great stuff!

Hi Davbo! Thanks so much, I've been aiming for a 'feel', so it's nice to hear that its coming through! I really appreciate the feedback! :)

Hey, this is super cute. :) Controls take some getting used to, but nicely presented and done. Good music.

Thanks Felice! :) I knew the controls would be a little inaccessible, but I held true to the silly concept to the bitter end. Glad you had fun with it! :)

I love the amount of passion behind such a silly control scheme lol.
So, i booted this up from splore, and I couldn't quite figure out how to play until i came here and learned about the waddling controls. Is there a way to teach this to the player in-game?
The duck-fade is awesome, right up there with the Star Wars screen wipe or the spinning bat signal from the old batman tv show.

Thanks Paloblanco! I definitely took inspiration from the bat-signal for the duck-swipes, so good catch there! :)
In hindsight, I probably should have found a way to teach the controls a little more gently. As it is, either the player gets it or they don't at first, which has deterred a few players. Well, live and learn! I'll remember to improve my tutorials for odd control schemes in the future.

No, no, I wouldn't say the controls are inaccessible. They're just different from what you usually expect in 2D games, so the player has to get accustomed to them. However, they make sense, and they're consistent, so they're absolutely fine.
If anything, I like it when I'm challenged by a new control scheme/paradigm. As long as it's not crippled or inconsistent, it can be fun to learn a new way to control my actions.

@Felice, once I got it, it was quite fun. However, it wasn't 'clicking' for me until i came here.
Maybe the first few games played could have text flashing in the background, like "Tap < then > to move!" until the player moves X pixels away from starting position. I was paralyzed for a good minute or two, which is several games of waddleball!

That's true. It's always hard to say about that kind of thing in PICO-8 games. Retro games, if we're being true to the genre, almost never had tutorials, and it was just part of the... uh... mystique? that you had to work out the controls. But this isn't then and people are used to tutorials, so maybe that's just being dumb.

I tend to agree with paloblanco on this one, in hindsight. The controls make sense once you've become accustomed, but some players seem to latch onto them a little more easily than others. I'll definitely remember to teach these things more gently in the future.

Yeah, it probably falls under the umbrella of "better safe that sorry."

Great game! The controls were fun and different. One small thing, Mole Whacker and Duck Defender are unplayable for me (position out of bounds).

Wow, I'm super late on the replies to this thread! Just updated Waddleball's file to fix the mode crashes that people have been experiencing for some time.
@Dogerizer A soccer minigame would have been a cool mode! Have a soccer ball that you can kick, and targets that move around the outside. Cool idea! And thanks for playing :)
@Jlasseter11 @Ben731985 I've (finally) fixed the odd 'position out of bounds' error that was occurring on the Mole Whacker and Duck Defender modes! Thanks to both of you for giving it a shot, and sorry that it took so long for me to patch!
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