A game made with my friend Theck using the theme (not participating) from the Global Game Jam 2018: Transmission.
Wire your office linking each terminal with the mainframes following the colors. Avoid getting stuck with your own cable while thinking why someone would have all these weird space configurations in their workplace.
15 levels, 2 colors, endless fun (well, no).
Also available on my itch.io profile.

Cool ! Very good for a game made in 12 hours ! If you update it someday, I wish you could undo your last move by going in the opposite direction of your last move. And more levels, ofc ;)

really impressive for a 12-hour game! I quite liked the puzzles.

I've definitely paid money for games that were worse than this one. After the first couple of levels I thought it was too easy, but after a couple more I stopped thinking that. Really nice!

Very nice game. One of the few I really enjoyed playing. (I have not gamepad around though)
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