After a long time without any updates I have decided to post version 0.5 of the game in its current, un-finished state. There is no goal as such apart from mine gold and build some cool looking space stations. Since version 0.4 many changes have been made such as adding a title screen, fixing some sound issues, improving sprite work, adding some new building blocks and many other improvements.
This is an unfinished update and game overall that will most likely never be finished but I hope you enjoy what is here now. I think that it is for the best for me to move onto new ideas and projects rather than get stuck on the same project for months on end.
Old Versions:
Version 0.4!
Version 0.3!
Update 0.2!
Version 0.1!

I'm in love with your concept, i miss a good old strategy game on pico-8!
If you want some suggestions:
The game could be based on having a population to mantain.
Space stations will require 3 goods: food, fuel, metal ( to work on something hopefully ahah).you start with some resources and periodically they decrease based on population number. These resources have to be mined and delivered to a central station to mantain life.
The population continues to grow over time , so you have to build new space stations ( that will increase the resources needed for the population).
Occasional disaters could be an addition: you are working very well but BAM! one of your stations catches fire!
Hope you like it and it is doable!

Thanks for the great suggestion! I like your idea but it would take a while to implement everything. I'll definitely consider using some of your ideas though!

I'll wait your updates! I was thinking that your interface is very simple but straightforward to manage an rts, it could be an rts platformer! Would you mind if i play with some of your code?

Sure but it's not very optimised right now.
I'd like to see what you produce with it if you make anything cool :)

That's a great start, very enjoyable !
I made this :

It ended up looking like a station that unfortunately crossed an asteroid cluster's path.
The only issue is ore popping out of nowhere, maybe you could add an "asteroid scanner" station block, with a nice sonar effect to explain that.

@yhoyhoj That's awesome to see other people creating stuff in my game, thank you!
The gold popping out of nowhere is just a temporary fix to make sure more gold appears when you mine all of it so a sonar idea could work nicely.
I'd ideally like to have randomly generated asteroids and therefore infinite space (sorta) with different sectors you can jump to but I think that's thinking too advanced for this little game.

Everything that is there is great, except maybe the spaceship's thruster sound :)
It could use some gameplay, as in many sandbox games, there isn't much point to do anything. But that could be easily fixed by adding some gameplay. It's a nice change of pace though from the ever looming death in many Pico-8 games ;)

Yes it does get very monotonous quickly. I'm not sure what gameplay mechanics I should add, maybe having to sustain a population on your station that has enough energy/food/space etc. ...

this has a great feel to it!
it took me a long time to find how to enter construction mode because the ship-color-change thing is right next to the construction thing and I didn't realize they were two different things and I kept landing on the ship-color-change thing. I actually only understood once I tried playing the previous version of the game.
this is so cool though; it would be great with a goal of some kind, and music. keep up the good work :)
also like scifispirit said, I like that it is peaceful-feeling :)

Thank you kittenm4ster! I haven't worked on this for ages or any other game-dev stuff sadly... I've felt quite defeated about game development in general so comments like yours really help me!
I'm getting back into it a bit lately so hopefully I'll dedicate more of my time to making games. I have lots of ideas for this project and don't want to abandon it because of its potential.
I can't promise anything but I hope to continue work on this in the future.

Thank you PixelPaintbrush! A new version should be out soon for you to play so look out for it!

This such a solid little cart. Good graphics, easy to understand UI and controls. I hope someday you comeback to it to add some more gameplay mechanics because it really deserves it!

this game is sooooooo cool!!! i really enjoy this game idk why tho :DDDD
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