Celeste Midnight
Welcome to Celeste Midnight! In essence, this is a harder version of Celeste. I added a Deathless mode, a way to show hitboxes, a skip level function, and some TASing capabilities in a new code tab. Have fun! :)

Nice. I like how you added a bunch of "berries" and were a bit more creative making the levels more difficult rather than simply adding spikes. I don't know how many total berries there were but I got 28.

that was a fun mod! i like how some speedrun routes are closed off and given a bit of a new route. i got a time of 14:18 and 22 berries collected, nice!

got softlocked in 1500m, besides that, this mod is actually good

@ooooggll Thanks for your feedback! There are actually 29 berries.
@VaniaIsAnIdiot Thanks! I specifically tried to change each level to either change the route or make it harder.
@Ser_Pix8 You can escape that softlock by dashing diagonally downward. You can also encounter this with some precise movement at 300m.

A round 100 deaths with all the berries on my first playthrough! A lot of fun, especially because the levels were usually remixed in creative ways without becoming as grindy or frustrating as other levelpacks.

Great mod! Normaly i find mods remaking the original stages pretty boring but this really spiced thing up. Also i was just wondering but did you make the hitbox overlay for this mod or was this something that already existed? I've never seen it before and thougt it was prelly cool.

@Discobarrack Thanks! I made the hitbox overlay, which was surprisingly easy, since most sprites have a hitbox attribute that I simply added to the drawing code for it. As for the spikes, I poked around in the spikes_at function to determine the effective hitbox.

0% challenge: can anyone finish with zero cartridges collected? This is as close as I've come.

The level I couldn't avoid the cartridge is 1300m. It feels like there should be a way around it...

@Cowirrie A 0% completion is possible! I avoided the cartridge on 1300m by walljumping off of the top of the wall to the immediate left of the cartridge, reaching the ledge on its right. Interesting challenge!

@Cowirrie There is! You just have to stand on the very edge of the platform. If you turn hitboxes on, there's a tiny space you can still stand.

i got stuck on 900m because the jumps were too precise
otherwise great mod! it was fun to get there my time was 4 minutes

when i use the spring in 1500m i get stuck so i skip it and berry
the problrm is that i get the key then skip like why
can you plz fix it D=

@pixelperfect Yep, that's the point, haha!
@pobop Originally I was trying to just not remove elements from the level. You can still escape by dashing diagonally downward.
@WoopyBoiii Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
@sammps Dash straight up, then walljump off of the non-spiky surfaces.
@pixelated-DUDE-+-+ For that one, you need to skip the spring entirely. Try walljumping off of the block above the spring! If you get stuck, dash diagonally downward to escape.
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