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Cart #circle_timer-0 | 2022-06-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


my hiscore is 22

My hi score is 26.


Quite good ! I can see this being used by Google when your internet gives out. Gold star idea and game !

Great job! I enjoyed playing this on little breaks through out the day.

Wow, nice. Super fun. Definitely hits that "easy to learn, difficult to master" sweet spot. My high score is 38.

I love games like this, well done! I got a 6 the first time I played, but next one was a 39 :).


it would be cool if you could get combos if you hit the next spot without doing a full revolution

my highscore is 43


my highscore is currently 105

my hi-score is 60


Nice job on this, it's super simple but very engaging and nicely designed.

My current high score is 60 as well.

I extended this great idea with some stats about your performance: max score and error counter. Check here if you are interested: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=49915

I like it. Super simple, yet fun and challenging, and it looks nice, too.

it's a pretty nice game! i'd recommend! :]
my score was 68

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