My first pico-8 game:
A mini block-based puzzle platformer!
Music by Robby Duguay.
Arrow Keys Left/Right: Move
Z: Jump
X (Hold): Shoot snake.

Wow! That was great! Puzzles were just tricky enough, fun gameplay hook... really well done. I loved it, one of my favorite puzzle platformers on pico8.
You should look into compression algorithms, like px9, if you want to fit more levels into memory. I think its a great length for a pico8 game, but if you had more ideas you could probably squeeze more levels in there. Bravo!

Very very good game ! Congratulations ! What’s missing imo for it to deserve a heart would some story and/or more levels and/or a timer and/or some secrets in each level and/or one hidden secret place.

Good but music hiccups with added sound effects, @RPDak. Is one of the problems of using 4-channel music.

on level 2-6, i cliped through a wall and im now stuck.the wall is the one on the right nearest to the red block thing

This was pretty great. I was able to cheat on the doors that are floating right next to a piece of ground that was at the right height. If I just ran toward the door and pressed up, it would register right at the beginning of my fall and let me through with no floor under the door.

Only got to 1-8 and its like 12:33am and my laptop battery is about to die. I will be back to finish this one. Great game!

Really great game, nice puzzles and the difficulty was, in my opinion, just right.
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