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Cart #toxicinvaders-6 | 2022-02-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Everlasting war has wrought the planet T0X-1C.

With minuscule resources remaining, Toxians sacrificed their home
world to construct a mega portal in an attempt to conquer yours.
Surpass the onslaught of invaders and render their method of attack inoperable!

Code, VFX, Music

Sprites, SFX, Label

Accessibility options in the Pico-8 pause menu.

Controls: Z key to fire and arrow keys to move.


P#107278 2022-02-21 22:00 ( Edited 2022-02-28 21:02)


Good. A few suggestions, @ribboncable. Have button ❎ do something besides nothing in the game. Perhaps to it use a held power-up that can be picked up off the board. You could have a slot for 3 held items. Tap ❎ to go from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, 3rd to 1st, hold to activate. 🅾️ of course to fire.

Power-ups that can be picked up are:

  • Warp 1 - enemies run half speed for 5-seconds.
  • Warp 2 - enemies freeze up for 5-seconds.
  • Flow - Player's shots travel through enemies and are 2x stronger for 15-seconds.
  • Laser - Player's shot turns to laser, instant beam, for 15-seconds.
  • Seek - Player's shots turn to heat-seeking shots for 15-seconds. No need to align shooting, shots will turn to hit enemy even if behind player.
  • Bounce - Player's shots hit and bounce off enemies like pinball. Good for clustered enemies where one shot could take them all out after being hit multiple times for 15-seconds. Each shot lasts 2-seconds.
  • Cross - Shoot not just in front but above, below, and behind for 15-seconds.
  • Shield 1 - Player is protected from all shots for 10-seconds.
  • Shield 2 - Player is protected from all collisions and shots for 10-seconds.

Also it's okay for the screen to shake when the player is hit but not when he is hitting a target. I see you have an option for none or all, could add 3rd option such as this.

You further could have the enemy show a special effect when hit called "white." That is when a shot hits a boss or larger ship. All the pixels inside that sprite turn white for a single frame and back to normal to next to show the player has indeed hit the enemy correctly.

P#107438 2022-02-22 00:11 ( Edited 2022-02-22 05:16)

the green ship looks like an among us

P#107441 2022-02-22 00:44

One of THE BEST shooters I've seen on Pico-8! The graphics, the music, the enemy design, everything! I love that it doesn't send you too far back when you die, letting you retry the previous section. Massive congratulations for making such an incredible game!

P#107446 2022-02-22 01:50

why is the green ship literally an among us character in the thumbnail

P#107450 2022-02-22 02:42

I'm a little confused on how the health system works. I got hit twice between health pickups and still never got a game over. I noticed getting hit causes some sparks to start coming from the ship, but between the 2nd and 3rd hit, there didn't seem to be any difference.

P#107456 2022-02-22 05:53

Full health: no effect.
First hit: sparks.
Second hit: sparks and smoke.
Third hit: kablooie!

Thank you so very much!
Chris and I had a wonderful time making this. c:

Those ideas might better suit a different type of game than they would this one.

P#107458 2022-02-22 06:04 ( Edited 2022-02-22 06:10)

Hi @ribboncable:

You know you may be right about that indeed. Sometimes my ideas can be quite ambitious and gamewriters just aren't up for it.

Best of wishes with your completed game then.

P#107460 2022-02-22 07:05

This is brilliant, I like the tight art concept!

P#107464 2022-02-22 07:58

Dude. This is so impressive. The art is incredible. The music is fantastic. The gameplay is hectic and challenging. Amazing work.

P#107496 2022-02-22 21:45

well executed. the music and sfx especially caught my attention!

P#107505 2022-02-22 23:06

they changed the green ship :(

P#107514 2022-02-23 03:01

@omriperez @UnitVector @beepyeah
Thank you all so much. UuU

P#107524 2022-02-23 07:11

Its a great game, but losing upgrades on hit makes it really hard

P#112023 2022-05-18 23:16

good game

P#135684 2023-10-10 03:36

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