I grew up playing Apple II version Lode Runner.
I know the PICO-8 already has a great Lode Runner game by pahammond,
but I still wanted to make it more like the Apple II version.
- total 120 levels
- full screen, no scroll needed
- smooth movement in pixels
I hope you have fun.

Simply perfect, @dungeonkim ! And yes I like your version better where the screen doesn't scroll. I can see the entire map in yours and see where to go next.
Also the little bits you added for the menu of Retry, Next Level, Prev Level, Slower, and Faster, really do add to the gameplay value.
Here is a gold star to put with all your gold coins, you earned it !

Really good version of Lode Runner. Very well done.
I did find that when playing I could get one or more of the enemies stuck. A good example of this is on level 3:

Thanks for the feedback.
I confirmed that it works the same in the Apple II version.
Does it not move even if I go to another place in that state?
Lode Runner's AI has deterministic rules, so it always shows the same results under the same conditions.

I am familiar with Lode Runner but not the Apple II version and I don't recall seeing other versions from doing this (however I am probably wrong).
If that's how it works on the Apple II then this is a faithful conversion! The enemies do run off when you change your horizontal position so it just becomes part of the gameplay.
As I said before - really good game.

Fantastic. An amazing Pico-8 version and one of my all time favorite games!

I am a big fan of lode runner. @dungeonkim, it is "out of memory" using education pico-8 or loading on this page.I assume it should run when it was published and now there are some version compatibility problem.

I also get an "out of memory" on all my devices. Hope you can fix it soon. I love lode runner and the screenshots look really nice !!

I can confirm that Pico-8 0.2.5C also has the "Out of Memory" issue.

I fixed the out of memory issue, since version 0.2.5C sub(str,s,e) has been misbehaving when e is nil.

Now it works! Many thanks, great game, great port, congratulations!

Great conversion.
Out of curiousity, did the apple 2 version show a dot above the enemies' heads when they were carrying a box? (The C64 version didn't from memory.)

The APPLE 2 version does not mark enemies with boxes. In the arcade version, enemies with boxes are shown as blinking.
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