check this out!!!
credits to jo560hs for the original project

actually can we stop just using the comments to say hi to each other?

check this out!!!
credit to jo560hs for the original project

My god, I hate, you-know-who, for doing this! Him doing, you-know-what, is unacceptable. He needs help.
If it is okay with you guys, I think I'll stay away from the FNF community temporarily.
(Also the dialog box cart the gameguy123 made is pretty cool, I like it.)

Unsure if you are talking about taking down my Split EX demake (on page 9) or the original, but:
Rather than scrap it completely, I've replaced the opponent with a second BF. (because it's a great song, I spent time on making this demake, and the original Split EX song was composed by one of the other devs, not him)
I will, however, take it down if things get bad here (or on request from the original mod's other devs).
Anyway, here's the cart:

i don't think any of the devs know about this demake's existance

Jesus fuck, a sex slave?? I have lost hope in content creators...

look, just bc theres 1 bad apple, doesn't mean that all of them are bad

Response to eeveelover64's Comment
Response to You-Know-Who's Actions
Now I really dislike this guy, I don't even want to hear/see anything about this guy.
Pico Night Punkin Tool
I saw that some people started using the custom key assignment thing. So for the people who want to add a dodge mechanic, or something else like 9k, I wanted to share the tool I used to create the challenger keybind thing. The cart is below:
How to use this tool
This doesn't work very well on Lexaloffle, it is recommended you do this in Pico-8
First, download this cart in Pico-8 first by typing #get_key_id_pnp
. You probably already know this.
Press the key you want to be binded to whatever action. I recommend using this tool in pico-8.
Once you press the key, the key number value thing is copied to your clipboard. The final step is to paste that into the second parameter of the stat

Good idea, I've changed normal BF's side to the Week 1/Tutorial stage.
Might put the death animation and normal GF on the stage side later.

I just released an update to PICO NIGHT PUNKIN' that changes the controls to ASKL, which allows for WASD to exist alongside it. I recommend using this control scheme for future mods since it accommodates left handed gameplay, right handed gameplay, and two handed spread.

check this out!!!
credit to jo560hs for the original project

just gonna let you know that im going away with my dad for a while and wont come back untill january 3rd
so i must warn you that the first doom game takes place in 2022

I just finished the Challenger port, and I think it came out pretty good! I didn't add the modchart because it is actually impossible in Pico-8, but I think it is hard enough.
Options menu Controls
- Up and down keys to scroll
- Right to select an option
- When an option is highlighted green, that means you are binding a key
The controls aren't the same as CarsonK's controls, still no WSAD ⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️
Press the action key to regen shield
- Press left, down, up, and right bindings to hit notes
Summary of mechanics
- Protection Bar - "Much more fair than the trash 9k cart version" - When your health is below the shield point, your health regenerates while your shield lowers. Make sure to spam the action key if you want to stay alive.
The Mod
Remember to bind your keys before you play
Shortcut to mod is below if you set your key binds
Edit: Happy new years!
Edit 2: Hello to anyone who's still here looking through this mess of a comment section. Unfortunately, as you guys all know, this thread is locked. But I can still communicate using my previously made comments. I had fun making mods and publishing them in this comment section, and I quite enjoyed talking with you all (except for when the "incident" happened.) I hope you are all doing well and I will see you in my final PNP mod!

Question: how do i play the game in the first cart? Wont let me do anything but switch through options

Just found out, i love how the mod’’s mechanic is just basically to confuse you lol

@Blueknight, I forgot to add instructions on how to use the options menu. I updated the comment to include that.
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