@S0UL Sam I think it will be that bamber is my theory

if this is in the mods or at least in one of the mods i will eat my shirt

@S0ULSam is that mods take time to be created, because mods, instead of having many pixel arts, have to have programming, if it was a work with two people, in which one does pixel art, and the other does the programming, it would be a very good mod produced, but for one person to do all this it takes time man :/

@cubee nice! some time ago i made a midi of split ex, ill share it here in case it helps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P6zEr2YPLKKwOIpCsSrZqAKxPFGlksbA/view?usp=sharing
terminal jside
(epilepsy warning)

@jo560hs I can't believe it, I thought I wanted it to be a pro, but when I saw this I was surprised by that difficult fence, which is seriously difficult and I still can't win it

Thanks! That midi should help, especially with the instrumental.

can someone help, I can't find this thread on the pico-8 splore

Shaggy JSide was pain but I did it. Also my best score on Terminal Jside was 21,800

how to get carpal tunnel: the song (jesus my hand hurted afterwards)

(dont look in the pause menu)

(cart removed, see my post on page 9)
I managed to get the entire song to fit!
It's still not finished, but there shouldn't be much more to do other than finish porting the chart and add the "ARE YOU READY" vocals and other special effects.
Thanks @jo560hs for the midi that I used as a guide.

he did it
he did the mod. . . ( Why do I always get no reaction to these things? )

I win she, and talk what she is immortal, i guess what no bruh '-'

well, looks like this is something i cant fix
¯_(ツ)_/¯ its probably your keyboard/computer
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