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Cart #12985 | 2015-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Created for Ludum Dare 33. it's a game about playing tag with animals.

You're It!
a game by Cambrian Era

Congratulations on your purchase of You're It! This exciting arcade action
puzzle game features pulse-pounding tag action for ages 6-60.

The Story

One fine day, four friends decided to play a game of tag.

Foxy, the quickest
Froggy can swim
Bunny who burrows
Tater, it's him!

How To Play

Arrows: Move

Each round, you will play as a different friend. Your goal is to move into the
other friends and tag them. You win the round when you tag all your friends!
Complete all 8 rounds to win!

When you move, your friends will move as well. Watch them carefully, because
each friend is different!