A game about rockets, for little and big kids. This is a one-button game with no possibility of failure.
Press X to skip the SPACE WALK.
See if you can activate the hidden autopilot for landing!
Change log:
- Sound, stars, random birds, sky colours, tracking camera
- Added a countdown! Player can tap UP or hold it.
- Used fill patterns to dither the gradations of atmosphere.
- Attract screen plays out an animation of astronaut getting on board.
- Added states to complete the game loop, you can get to orbit and back.
- Added rocket heating up depending on reentry velocity.
- Adjusted volume for less pew-pew and more engines.

My first pico-8 game. Clear the screen as fast as you can!
Scoring brackets:
- 3000-∞: Non-gamer
- 2000-2999: You need practice
- 1000-1999: Doing OK
- 500-999: Respectable
- 100-499: Good
- 0-99: Thank RNGesus
- Start and Win screens
- Particle effects for boundary collisions, coin pickups, exhaust 'confetti' (Ⓒ Jill)
- Player trail
- Starting coins increased to 4
1.0 "Vlambeer edition"
- Coin pickup explosions
- Permanent explosion marks
- Pause for 2 frames on pickup
- Screenshake on boundary collision
- Better title and win screens
- Thanks Noah for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJdEqssNZ-U