What is this game ?
This game was created for the Vim Game Jam (November 8th 2024 to November 18th 2024). The Jam Focus was “Racing”. The game was not forced to be a racing game, so I wanted to do something inspired by MINIT. The optional theme was "Escape", I used it for the story. The three diversifiers where : "Four Color Palette", "Animal Characters" and "Mouse only". I did use the two first ones, but I left the mouse only rule out. I used Pico8, because I'm obsessed with this engine.

I decided to do the jam when it was first announced, but I only started working on it on Thursday (November 14th). I only worked on it a few hours, but I worked a lot more on it on Friday. I was elsewhere on Saturday, so there was no work that day. I worked a little bit on Sunday. I just created the Itch.io page and wrote a good chunk of dialog. I thought so many times that I did not have enough time. But I pushed through ! And I did it. I'm satisfied.

How to play ?
Use your mouse and left click to drag the "space things" around ! Your goal is to destroy all of them by dropping them in the black hole.
What is this game ?
This game was created for the Lame Game Jam (September 20th 2024 to September 23rd 2024). The theme was “Chaos”. I wanted to do something with cats, creatures of pure chaos, so I thought maybe a space cat could be interesting. My boyfriend gave my the gameplay idea. It only took a couple of hours. I used Pico8, my default engine, but I used for the first time the mouse. That's why it's not perfect, but it's fine.
Where to find me ?

What is this tool?
This project was done for Picotron Game Jam (March 17th 2024 to April 20th 2024).
(Link to the game jam)
My plan was to do a character maker, something similar to what you can find on Picrew but for Picotron.

What can I do with this?
Everyone can use this avatar maker to make their own characters for any of their game projects (RPG or visual novel I guess?), mostly for Picotron. You can change the sprite, edit the character... The only constraint is to give a link or at least name this tool somewhere.
