Demo I made of a very simple level editor for a 3D ray caster game.
In map editor:
- Arrows - move cursor
- Hold X + left/right arrows - pick tile
- Hold C + move cursor - paint tiles
- Once PLAYER tiles is selected, press C while holding X to spawn player on map
In first person mode:
- Left/right arrows - look left right
- Up/down arrows - move forwards/backwards
I originally started making this as a custom level maker for a first person shooter like DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D but I had to move on to other projects.
You are welcome to make changes to my code and potentially add shooter functionality to this demo.
I want to make my own raycaster game in picotron and I have been following this blog written for a pico-8 raycaster. I get an error when I run this and I am not sure what I should do to fix this issue. Help would be much appreciated.
Other than the code, all I did is make a sprite in slot 1 and draw a simple map in the map editor.
function _init() cam={ x=12, y=12, a=0, w2d=2 } scrx=0 end function _update() controls() end function _draw() cls() map(0,0,0,0,16,16) circ(cam.x,cam.y,2,12) --for scrx=0,480 do -- raycast(cam,scrx) --end raycast(cam,240) end function controls() if btn(0) then cam.a+=0.01 end if btn(1) then cam.a-=0.01 end if btn(2) then cam.x+=cos(cam.a)*0.5 cam.y+=sin(cam.a)*0.5 end if btn(3) then cam.x+=cos(cam.a)*-0.25 cam.y*=sin(cam.a)*-0.25 end [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=147975#p) |
I am trying to make a top down RPG in Picotron and I want to use a combination of mget() and fget() to make collision. I understand that fget is a bit weird in Picotron but mget is also acting strange as it only reads the sprite numbers of 4 sprites in a 2x2 formation on the 0,0 corner of my map.
Is anyone else experiencing this or could this just be me being silly?
I wrote a function that shows the mouse coordinates and sprite number of the map tile you are hovering over. I originally wrote this for myself to make checking the tiles on my map easier but figured I could share it in case anyone else finds it useful.
function debug_mouse() local mx,my = mouse() local x_offset=5 local y_offset=5 --window width and height local w=480 local h=270 --offset if box leaves screen if mx>w-20 then x_offset=-15 end if my>h-29 then y_offset=-24 end --draw debug text box rectfill(mx+x_offset-1,my+y_offset-1,mx+x_offset+14,my+y_offset+23,1) print(mx,mx+x_offset,my+y_offset,8) print(my,mx+x_offset,my+y_offset+8,9) print(mget(mx,my),mx+x_offset,my+y_offset+8*2,10) end |