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Cart #treefella-0 | 2023-08-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Treefella is a Pico-8 game inspired by the mechanics of the NES side-scrolling brawler, Kung Fu.

Development log

Treefella's development was documented in a series of YouTube videos, which can be viewed in this playlist.

You can also just watch the summary / retrospective video below!


←→ - Walk left or right

- Crouch

- Toggle overdrive mode

O (Z/C keys)- Punch, or throw a wide fireball when in overdrive mode

X (X/V keys) - Kick, or throw a split fireball when in overdrive mode

How to Play

As you walk through a level, enemies will appear on screen and try to make contact with you. In order to protect yourself, attack the enemies before they get too close.

If the enemies touch you, you will gradually lose health until you die. Dying will force you to start the level over again.

If the enemies are touching you, button mash to break out of their hug of death!

Before clearing a level, you will also encounter a boss. Bosses have a health bar, and can take multiple hits. Reducing the boss' health bar to zero will allow you to proceed to the next level.

Clear all three levels, and you'll reach the end of the game!

Normal attacks

Use the attack buttons to punch or kick. You can also punch or kick when crouching. Some enemies can only be hit when crouching, others can only be hit when standing normally.


The closer an enemy is when you hit them, the more your overdrive meter will charge. If you see a plus sign (+) when you hit an enemy, your meter charged a little. If you see a star sign () when you hit an enemy, your meter charged a lot.

You can enable overdrive mode by tapping the Up arrow key, and disable it by tapping the Up arrow key again.

While in overdrive mode, your attacks will be fireballs instead of punches and kicks. Fireballs extend to the full length of the screen. There are two types of fireball:

  • Wide Fireballs - Throw these with the Punch button (O). These fireballs travel in one direction, and can hit both high and low enemies.
  • Split Fireballs - Throw these with the Kick button (X). These fireballs will travel in both directions, but will only hit high or low enemies. They can be thrown when standing to hit high enemies, or when crouching to hit low enemies.

While in overdrive mode, your overdrive meter will gradually decrease until it reaches zero. When it reaches zero, you will automatically be forced back to normal mode.


Your final score is in Leaf Points. You will earn one Leaf Point for every enemy that you hit while in overdrive mode. If your final hit of the boss is done with overdrive mode, you will receive five leaf points.

Try to save your overdrive meter for waves of enemies that are tricky to hit with regular attacks!

P#133575 2023-08-27 03:21 ( Edited 2023-08-29 00:39)

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Cart #ttuor-0 | 2023-01-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Ttuor is a short, top-down action game with a gravity glove and some floaty boots.


Arrow keys - move the player

(O) - After you get the glove item, press and hold to pull crates and items towards you. Then use the arrow keys to reposition a crate before putting it down.

(X) - After you get the boots item, press to float. Press again to land. Then use the arrow keys to adjust the direction of your slide.


Just try to get to the end! If you can, try collecting all seven gems. And keep an eye out for the elusive eighth gem…

Action shots

Pull stuff

Block beams with crates

Float and slide


This was my first original Pico-8 project. I worked on it on-and-off for the better part of a year, so it feels nice to finally put it onto the BBS!

Special thanks to @satchmobgw for all his assistance with testing this darn thing.

P#124939 2023-01-28 04:33 ( Edited 2023-01-28 06:54)

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Cart #humdribu-1 | 2019-04-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I followed along with @rabidgremlin 's excellent tutorial to make a Tron clone. The tutorial was for a two-player version, so I thought it would be a cool challenge to make it into a single player-only game, hence the "Lonely" in the title.

One other addition is the ability to select the arena size before starting. Smaller arenas are generally harder, as the AI is tougher to outlast given the smaller area.

You are the blue line.
The CPU is the orange line.
Move around the arena without bumping into anything, and outlast the CPU to win.

Menu Controls
U/D to move between menu options
L/R to select arena size
Z to start

In-game Controls
U/D/L/R to steer your bike
Z to restart after the game ends
X to return to the menu after the game ends

Special thanks again to @rabidgremlin for taking the time to make the tutorial

v0.1.1 Release Notes

  • Fix collision bug (probably)
  • Fix "You Win" text display position for some arena sizes
  • Ensure that Player bike always begins moving left, even after restarts
  • Improve CPU AI slightly
P#63961 2019-04-25 12:46 ( Edited 2019-04-30 13:17)