This is my first attempt at making a tower defense (-ish?) game. This project was influenced by my fondness for Rampart. Suggestions are welcome.
Blast your opponent's walls with missiles and then lead your small army to attack their base.
There are two phases between each round: 1) build phase and 2) attack phase.
1)During the build phase you can place walls (if you have any), pick up supplies, and steal rubble from your opponent's base from damage you inflicted during the previous attack phase.
2) In the attack phase you can fire missiles to take out opponent's walls, kill units not standing on a base. Also, in this phase you can direct your army to various locations on the map.
This is an idea I've been experimenting with since I tried my hand at making a robotron-esque game.The idea was to make a more action oriented roguelike...not sure how that's gonna turn out. I figured I'd share this in case someone might find parts of it useful for another project.
Anyways, in this WIP there are zombies that will chase the player if they are within the blue circle (this will be larger if you move). The red circle is the range of your weapon. You don't have to aim. All you have to do is make sure a zombie is in the red circle and press Z. It'll kill the zombie closest to the player. The weapon has a reload time between each shot (no run and gun :D ).
This isn't a full game...yet. Suggestions are welcome.
Shalom y'all!
This game is designed to help kids (and maybe adults) learn the sounds of Hebrew letters by associating them with familiar English letters.
Your goal is simple:
1.) catch Hebrew letters that match the sound of the English letters surrounding the map
2.) avoid other letters and bombs depending on the level of difficulty
There are three difficulty settings:
1.) Easy-> all letters fall at the same speed
2.) Normal-> all letters fall at a random speed and bombs randomly drop
3.) Hard-> just like normal, but letters fall faster and bombs drop more often
After three letters are caught, a new target is chosen.
Please note that ":|" is used to signify no sound for × and ×¢.
I plan to add more to this at a later date, but for now I'm happy with it.
--I had to update to fix a typo on the letter selection screen. There was a kaf sofit instead of a mem sofit.

The goal is to get the color blocks on the appropriate colored switch. The color blocks move in the opposite direction of the player. If two colors blocks touch they will mix (e.g. red+yellow=orange) Avoid walking into the color blocks...unless you want to die.
This is a demo of an earlier (messy and bloated) build of simple puzzle game I've been working on in my spare time. Your goal is to get the color blocks on the appropriately colored switch. Colors can be mix together to create other colors. Also, activated switches can be used to mixing as well. This is just a demo, so it's really short (5 levels).
Hello y'all,
I'm working on making a puzzle game, and I've come across a problem with the collision detection/map reading when I try to change to the next map. I think this stems from the fact that I'm missing a concept somewhere on how maps work. Everything seems to work find until I move to the third map...not sure what I'm missing.
--sprite 0 is blank --sprite 1 is player --sprite 2 is to mark where the player spawned --sprite 16 is wall function _update() moveplayer() solidstuff() end function _draw() cls() map(0,0,0,0,16*3,16) spr(1,player.x,player.y,1,1,0,false) camera(cel_x*8,cel_y*8) end function moveplayer() --moving player if btnp(0,0) and!=16 and solid.lf!=16 then player.x-=player.dx end if btnp(1,0) and solid.ri!=16 and solid.rf!=16 then player.x+=player.dx end if btnp(3,0) and solid.di!=16 and solid.df!=16 then player.y+=player.dy end if btnp(2,0) and solid.ui!=16 and solid.uf!=16 then player.y-=player.dy end --switches the map if btnp(5,0) then cel_x+=16 readmap() player.x+=16*8 end if btnp(4,0) then cel_x-=16 readmap() player.x-=16*8 end end function readmap() for x=0,15 do for y=0,15 do tile=mget(x+cel_x,y+cel_y) if tile==1 then mset(x+cel_x,y+cel_y,2) player.x=x*8 player.y=y*8 end end end end function solidstuff() solid.di=mget(flr((player.x)/8),flr((player.y+8)/8)) solid.df=mget(flr((player.x+7)/8),flr((player.y+8)/8)) solid.ui=mget(flr((player.x)/8),flr((player.y-8)/8)) solid.uf=mget(flr((player.x+7)/8),flr((player.y-8)/8)),flr((player.y)/8)) solid.lf=mget(flr((player.x-1)/8),flr((player.y)/8)) solid.ri=mget(flr((player.x+8)/8),flr((player.y)/8)) solid.rf=mget(flr((player.x+8)/8),flr((player.y)/8)) end function _init() player={} player.x=8 player.y=8 player.dx=8 player.dy=8 solid={} solid.di=0 solid.df=0 solid.ui=0 solid.uf=0 solid.lf=0 solid.ri=0 solid.rf=0 cel_x=0 cel_y=0 tile=0 readmap() end |