I was working at "School Mayhem 2" and saw in the "Pickups" folder cool items like grenade a twirlgun. So I tried to use them and published the game. It was all looking fine but when I tried the game in the browser (Firefox Quantum), I picked up the grenade launcher and when I pressed X nothing happened. I think it's kind of weird bug because the weapon works fine in the editor. Thinking it was just an issue of the grenade launcher I removed it and added the twirlgun. This weapon also worked in the editor but not in the web browser. I don't know what to do. I hope @zep fixes this issue.
P.S.: sorry for eventual bad English
Ugly game about my high school. Reloaded version of my previous game School Mayhem (Junior High School) and hopefully this will be updated very often with new levels.
School Mayhem 2 original story is officially completed. The next updates will be relative to bug fixes, balancements and levels' graphic improvements
Version 1.4 [COMPLETED]
There are so many things to write, but I'm bored and I'm late for school :D
Version 1.3.1
New Contents:
- Added Janitor NPCs! Now you can watch them scared in their watchdog all the time or kill them
- In "Physics Lab" (Level 4) removed an health pack and added a "+1 Life" when killing the boss
- In the last sequence of Bosco di Portici (Level 10) number of clones decreased (from 50 to 25)
Bug fixes:
- In "Duck's Blood Pool" (Level 9) modified the weapon that you unlock when you kill the boss (from Grenade to Twirly Gun) because of a bug that didn't make the Grenades work only in web game player (please @zep fix this)