A brand new version of Tweetie_pong that includes some new tweetcarts + a '1k demo' of my composition modified for the occasion. 21 coders in total are credited including 1 for the music. The menu has 2 difficulty levels + a demo mode that displays all the tweetcarts, as well as the possibility to exit each mode with the 0 button and to stop or start the music with the 4 key. As a reminder, 1 tweetcart is a technical and graphic demonstration of a coder that must fit in a message from X (formerly Twitter...) in 280 characters maximum. The game is stable and is already used (for free of course) for family reunion or association challenges. Have fun.
Demo inspired by tweetcarts from @2darray and @gateeightyeight. 945 bytes
my personal oceanquaryum under the sea and under the bridge. for fun : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXkaGt94Dwg

So long,so far (or Wake up or the endless fall).
It may be the story of a guy who falls and keeps saying to himself: so far everything is going well and who counts the distances 100m... 90.. 80... etc. when he gets to 20cm from the ground, puts his foot on the ground, tells himself one last time so far everything is fine and leaves.:-)

Here is Sprite Show 2 mouse only , a graphic tool for Pico8 users and more specifically for pixel artists and coders.
Sprite show is particularly useful for helping graphic designers to test the sprites they have just drawn without needing to code them. You can very easily make them move on a black background and on decors. If your creation does not work exactly as you want you could immediately return to the pico8 editor to improve it. In this tool the sprites are already drawn , and you can test all the functionalities . First of all, start by selecting the sprites in Sprite Bank then come back to the menu and click _Show and make your sprite coming to life. Have fun.

Sprite Show a tool that brings sprites to life
is now published. You can play the HTML or download it.
2 tutorials (english and french) are available on Youtube
or typing "Sprite_Show for Pico8" ,"Sprite_Show pour Pico8"