Watch and be amazed :)
It was really fun to optimize the code to its limit.
You can just paste this in pico-8.
here is the code:(space is only included in this post)
i=line::h::n=t()/3x=cos(n)*40y=sin(n)*40q=128p=63u=-abs(x)/10for z=0,3do j=z%2*q k=z\2*q i(j,k,x+p,y+p,u)i(j,k,p-x,p-y,u-1)i(j,k,p-x,y+p,u)i(j,k,x+p,p-y,u-1)end for i=1,999do pset(rnd(q),rnd(q),0)end flip()goto h |
Im not sure if I can compress it any further, but if you
see anything please comment it.

Really nice!
I think this cuts about 40 characters off the minified code:
i=line::h::n=t()/3x=cos(n)*40y=sin(n)*40q=128p=63u=-abs(x)/10for z=0,3do j=z%2*q k=z\2*q i(j,k,x+p,y+p,u)i(j,k,p-x,p-y,u-1)i(j,k,p-x,y+p,u)i(j,k,x+p,p-y,u-1)end for i=1,999do pset(rnd(q),rnd(q),0)end flip()goto h |
A few things I did:
- Combined for loops
- Changed how time was tracked (kept time scale about the same though)
- Inlined or got rid of unnecessary constants and computations -
could be replaced with unary negation,o
was only used once and so took fewer chars to inline, etc. - After doing the above, rearranged some things to require less whitespace
I think it's very likely more could be done: I probably missed some things, and I haven't really tried to understand the code in a way that would enable deep changes.

hey, this is pretty cool!
plus luchaks's code is so small that it maybe will work


thanks, glad you like it.
Also thanks to Luchaks for helping me out with the code.
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