My 1st game's next version.
I prepared 50 puzzles that you can solve more interstingly.
UX has also been improved to make it easier to play.
Enjoy please~
The music was composed by Gruber Music.
(Pico-8 Tunes Volume 1)

CRT Version

Wow. Incredibly polished interface. Puzzle 8 alone was really ingeniously constructed to make sure each step was logical, but only revealed a few squares at a time.

Can I just say that I LOVE EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME! I'm a big fan of picross and playing through this got better and better. I just love the controls and the digital looking graphics and puzzles that are actually logical and fair (coughcoughPokemonPicrosscoughcough). This has been a wonderful distraction and I can't thank you enough.
And to prove I didn't just solve the 5 puzzles in the end, I recorded what I saw.
Puzzle 50 was probably the most difficult for me, how fitting!

@poopman Thank you very much for having fun. It's worth the hard work. I prepared puzzle 50 ambitiously, but I'm glad it was difficult. XD

@mooon tbh all of the puzzles were challenging but fair, especially the puzzles that are symmetric since they're the ones that required my brain the most lol, puzzle 50 just so happens to be the one I got stumped on a bit.

@MustacheEggman the game used the sub() trick from PICO-8 0.2.4 that was removed in 0.2.5, you can fix it by running it on 0.2.4 or by updating the code to use the str[i] syntax.

Look like only 6 lines need fixing
regex sub\(([^,]+),([^,]+),_\)
and replace $1[$2]
seem to do the trick

An awesome vol. 2! I'm halfway through the puzzles. Thank you so much!

What does the first number mean in the area description (e.g. >18 15x15)? It's my favourite game since the version one!

What does mean first number (>40) in game above size?

Just found this one... Congrats!! Have been playing Picross in one form or another for years (discovered it on the GB ages ago) I love your implementation! It's super polished and the puzzles are very well thought out. Thanks for this!!
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