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Cart #lob_lob_lob-2 | 2020-01-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Lob! Lob! Lob!

In the year 30XD, there were... a bunch of tanks... that started... fighting!

Lob! Lob! Lob! is a Pico-8 demake of Scorched Earth, with mechanics that should be familiar to anyone who's played that game, or others like it (e.g. Tank Wars, Worms, etc...). It is a turn based tank battle game, where you select a weapon, set your angle and power and let it fly!

The game has support for up to 8 players or AI bots, in hot-seat multiplayer. Try out all seven weapons and 5 utilities!

Pixels, Design, Music and SFX by Nette

Also available on Itch.io.


Camera Mode:

  • DPad: Move Camera
  • Z: Item Select
  • X: Aim Mode

Item Select Mode:

  • DPad: Move cursor
  • Z: Cancel, -> Camera Mode
  • X: Select item, -> Camera Mode

Aim Mode:

  • Left & Right: Change angle
  • Up & Down: Change power
  • Z: Camera Mode
  • X: Fire

Pretty good ! Might have a number of players choice in the beginning in case 2- or more humans want to play.

Excellent graphics, interesting weapon choices, and smart AI win you a Gold Star.

The player count can be set in the settings on the title there, hopefully that's not too confusing!


I don't think I've even seen everything yet but this updated version of Scorched Earth (With some of the improvements brought from modern games like worms) is sweet.

A few things are missing (Funky bomb, napalm etc) but all in all it's still pretty cool. (I assume the dirt physics were an intentional omission)

We initially really wanted to do Napalm, and also have the dirt fall rather than reset instantly. Sadly, I ran pretty hard right into the token limits, so we came up with some simpler to implement, but still fun weapons like the lighting bolt shell. Glad you like it!

worms for pico 8

Looks beautiful! Very polished! Maybe I am just a weakling, but I could really use at least a partial view of the the projected arc of my projectile.

Nice! Love me some worms / gorillas.bas. Check out Micro Murder as well if you haven't already.

Regarding tokens and using fewer of them, https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=27762 might help you get started down that particular rabbit hole :)

Thanks! And yeah, I go over that one regularly, and tend to make quite a few passes on each project. There's probably still a few more tokens I can shave off, but I think we're pretty happy with the outcome so far!

Yes I see that now ... (O) for options. (X) to play. Might just ask options when starting any new game and bypass (X) which runs on defaults. Still a beautiful and nicely written game !

It also saves your settings between sessions and runs!

I just love when one of the AIs have waaaaay to much power (way more than what is allowed) and just completely miss their target

OMG. It's SCORCHED EARTH!!! I used to play Scorched Earth for hours and hours as a kid. This is amazing.

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