I know several people already created TTF fonts, but I believe this goes slightly beyond.
This cart is a tool that vectorises the PICO-8 font and exports it to %APPDATA%/pico-8/carts/font.sfd.p8l . You can then open that file in FontForge and modify it to your will, then export it as TrueType, PostScript etc.
It should be fully forward-compatible and if Zep ever changes a glyph, then the resulting TTF file will change accordingly.
For instance, if you are lucky enough to have a PICO-8 Gold Account™ and the latest preview version with the chr() function and the kana glyphs you’ll even get Japanese support:

Here it is in action in the Windows font settings:

And here it is in a toy application:

That "toy application" in the third screenshot looks neat! What's it made in? (Definitely not asking because I want to recreate it for my own Fantasy Console idea, nope)

@Darxoon @TheV360 it’s an IDE/emulator project written in C++. The IDE does not work very well yet but the emulator is very close to the real thing.

can I download it anywhere (except for the sources, I have no idea how to compile it)

I have added an export function that supports custom fonts to your cart.
The configuration parameters for custom fonts are as follows.
custom_slwidth=6 --scan width the font sprite custom_shwidth=6 --scan width the font sprite custom_sheight=8 --scan height the font sprite custom_lwidth=6 --print width for low chr id custom_hwidth=6 --print width for high chr id custom_lheight=12 --print height for high chr id custom_uplowswap=false --swap uppercase and lowercase custom_filename='knutil-w5h7' |
exported custom font (knutil-w5h7)

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