I decided to start a library of scripts to help those transitioning from visual scripting to lua.
You should be able to copy and paste code into your new script object put object in the room and run it with "Crt+R"
If something doesn't work please let me know.
Feel free to ask questions.
Have fun
/Digital Monkey
Lua scrip to print.
place scrip object in the room.
function draw() boxfill(0,0,63,128,128,63,3) set_draw_slice(120, true) print("printing", 48, 11, 7) print("in voxatron 3.5b", 40, 20, 7) end |
This is basic player controllers
control the box with arrows, z and x
x = 64 y = 64 updown = 30 function _update() if (btn(0)) then x=x-1 end if (btn(1)) then x=x+1 end if (btn(2)) then y=y-1 end if (btn(3)) then y=y+1 end if (btn(4)) then updown=updown-1 end if (btn(5)) then updown=updown+1 end end function _draw() clv() boxfill(x,y,updown,x+10,y+10,updown+10,14) boxfill(0,0,63,128,128,63,3) set_draw_slice(50) print("control the box", 33, 10, 7) print("using arrows, z and x keys", 10, 100, updown-1) end |
Scrip to change rooms made with "function draw()"
on J and K button press
(It's a flip book to go back and forth between rooms)
I made this by looking at script from GARDENING by: PROGRAM_IX
function _init() state = 0 debounce = 0 end function draw() if(state == 0) then draw_title() elseif(state == 1) then draw_instructions() elseif(state == 2) then draw_monkeys() elseif(state == 3) then draw_apples() elseif(state == 4) then draw_game() elseif(state <0) then draw_game() elseif(state >4) then draw_title() end end function draw_title() set_display_camera(-1) boxfill(0,0,63,128,128,63,3) set_draw_slice(120, true) print(state, 40, 20, 7) print("press j or l", 52, 30, state+15) state = 0 end function draw_instructions() set_display_camera(-1) boxfill(0,0,63,128,128,63,14) set_draw_slice(120, true) print(state, 20, 11, 7) print("press j or l", 52, 30, state+15) end function draw_monkeys() set_display_camera(1) boxfill(0,0,63,128,128,63,24) set_draw_slice(60) print(state, 20, 120, 7) print("press j or l", 52, 30, state+15) end function draw_apples() set_display_camera(1) boxfill(0,0,63,128,128,63,28) set_draw_slice(60) print(state, 20, 120, 7) print("press j or l", 52, 30, state+15) end function draw_game() set_display_camera(-1) boxfill(0,0,63,128,128,63,55) set_draw_slice(120, true) print(state, 52, 20, 7) state = 4 print("press j or l", 52, 30, state+15) end function _update() if(state < 5) then if(btn(7) and debounce > 10) then state += 1 debounce = 0 else if(btn(6) and debounce > 10) then state -= 1 debounce = 0 else end debounce += 1 end end end |
![](https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/files/2944/Entry Point spawning char.vx.png)
This script spawns a player at the position of the entry platform at any room...
function draw() local x,y,z = this:get_xyz() spawn("ROBOT", x,y,z) end |
hi- not sure if possible via lua/shaders, but could say all blue voxels have "Water" property (ripple etc), all red voxels have "fire" attributes, all so on and so forth?
I would love to have a custom water scrip
There was discussion about it see the link below.
There was no follow up on it yet
I also like your idea of setting damage as a parameter :)
hi thanks yes i hope maybe the color matching idea will work- i dont know lua though- is there a place on this forum to offer someone to help (I can pay a bit). keep on voxing!
Try posting in pico-8 section since pico runs on Lua and pico-8 users are strong coders.
Voxatron and Pico-8 both have chat and colaboration sections.
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