Manged to get 16 frames of full motion (if chunky) video compressed into here before running into the limits of the compressed cart size. Frames are stored as run-length encoded images, with only the difference between frames being noted/redrawn.
I used a custom python script and some elbow grease (file renaming and bulk resizing) to get the images converted into the string format.
-Electric Gryphon

nice! I guess only the Sloot Digital Coding System might help to get more of the video on the cartridge ... :P

Ladies and Gentleman, we officially have our GIF format.

Could watch it for hours. And not much worse in qualtiy than rebel assault...

Why? Because the internet needs more lo-res dancing hamsters.

I think you could get twice as much if you used a 'blob' as a pixel. I saw this done ages ago in a demoscene kind of file - the "video" resolution was probably half or 1/4 of the actual display resoultion, but each unit was drawn as a soft round blob with soft edges that overlayed adjacent blobs. Kind of like when you scale up a pixelated image. was very effective, you still got the gist of what was going on, and they had a lot of "video".

Realy great, you could probably make it 3x longer by also storing data in the sprite/map/sfx cart space, and read it with peek.

Every single thing you post is really cool and there's more every time I come back to this forum which blows me away. I've starred a ton of them but I just wanted to say that explicitly.

Thanks! I've been having a lot fun tinkering--glad to share it.

I so totally called this being a thing that would soon exist. :D
You did an excellent job making it a reality. :3 It looks amazing.
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