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Made for the Ludum Dare 48h #15

Controls: Arrow keys to move. Z for jetboots. X to shoot. R to restart.

To win: collect 5 artifacts and then fly into space.

I love this! I've always been a big fan of using physics to impact the enemy, but not kill/destroy anything. This is a great execution of that concept, and pretty well balanced for a LD48 game! :3 (took me a few times, but I did win!)

yeah, it's a hard slog getting through, but easy if you remain calm & collected. kind of like a game of cricket.

No way. I just busted through that crap. : ) Just gotta keep the enemies from blocking your exit.

this is fun, and just the right difficulty.

It's pretty cool, nice use of physically based enimies!

Nice game, i had a nice time playing it, right difficulty =)

i just noticed can exit top left an right side of screen, was that meant to be like that. love this!!!

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