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Cart #cryomancer-3 | 2025-01-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Defeat Fire Monsters with Ice Magic!

The pyromancer broke into the ice magic tower and set fire monsters. Fire monsters can be defeated by hitting them with ice. As a cryomancer, can you defeat the pyromancer and save the tower?


  • Dpad (Arrow Keys)
    • Move
  • X Button (X or M or V Key)
    • Hold X Button and Dpad: Turn
    • Release X Button: Generate or Remove Ice
  • O Button (Z or N or C Key)
    • Undo (Not possible at some levels)
  • Pose Menu (Enter or P)
    • Retry
    • Select Level
    • Delete Save Data


Bon - I can't generate ice on the neighboring tiles. There are a lot of them.

Eye - Move up, down, left and right. Aim well and walk on the ice.

Bili - It's a glowing ball that moves along the wall. It can't be defeated.

Pyromancer - It attacks the player directly. To defeat it, hit it with ice several times.


This game is an action puzzle game inspired by "Solomon's Key 2"(Fire 'N Ice). "Solomon's Key 2" is one of my favorite Famicom games. "Cryomancer" is a simpler top-down game.
Also, I'm not good at English, so there may be some strange English.





  • 十字ボタン (矢印キー)
    • 移動
  • Xボタン (X/M/Vキー)
    • Xボタンを押しながら十字キー - 振り向く
    • Xボタンを離す - 氷を生成する/消す
  • Oボタン (Z/N/Cキー)
    • 元に戻す (一部のレベルでは使えません)
  • ポーズメニュー (Enter/Pキー)
    • Retry - レベルをはじめからやり直します
    • Select Level - レベル選択画面に戻ります
    • Delete Save Data - セーブデータを削除します

ボン - 隣のタイルに氷を生成できません。たくさんいます。

アイ - 上下左右に移動します。よく狙って氷をぶつけてください。

ビリ - 壁に沿って移動する光る玉です。倒すことができません。

火術士 - プレイヤーを直接ねらって攻撃してきます。倒すには何度か氷をぶつけてください。


このゲームは『ソロモンの鍵2』(Fire 'N Ice)からインスパイアされて作ったアクションパズルゲームです。『ソロモンの鍵2』はファミコンソフトの中で最も好きなゲームの1つです。『Cryomancer』はよりシンプルな見下ろし型のゲームとなっています。



Really really nice polish, this is definitely going to end up on the "featured" page. The achievements made me want to complete the game, which I'm still trying to do right now. I found one tiny mistake, the level is "complete", not "complite"


Found a typo of "TRUN" when I'm figuring out how "X + arrow" acts.

Edit: finally finished it - the final level is tough and spent most of the times dodging those fireballs, but made it anyways!


Great puzzle game! I like how ice "sticks" to adjacent blocks to visually show they're immovable. Also the difficulty is well balanced too.





Thanks for the great feedback!
I have uploaded a new version with corrected spelling.


Clever level design. Gold star.


The puzzles are really good. The difficulty ramps up smoothly, and new game mechanics are introduced gradually, until each level is a real head-scratcher.

This is one of the best puzzle games I've played on Pico-8. Great job!


Glad to read everyone's comments.

The level design is the part I put a lot of effort into, so I'm relieved that it worked out.

It's fun to see screenshots after clearing a game.
In the next update, I plan to have an achievements screen where you can see the levels you have cleared and your best records.


With the recent update, you can now view your best records on the achievements screen.
Here are my best records from levels 1 to 10.
Please try it.


I am about 300 far from THE SEEKER. (1893 acts)

All levels completed is nice!
It would be better if there were fewer 100-count levels.

I wonder if anyone has been able to get The Seeker.


great game!! I love Solomon's Key 2 (well, I know it as "Fire'n Ice") and the inspiration was clear from the start. this was a great reinterpretation in a top-down perspective. nice levels, I especially liked the last 10 ish levels -- 28 reminded me of some of the impossible-feeling levels in Solomon's Key 2. "the seeker" was fun -- I didn't expect it to be so hard!

I think I cheesed level 24:

(I didn't need to use all of the ice)


I'm glad to receive your feedback based on "Solomon's Key 2".
Congratulations on your achievement! Your record made me realize that there is room for improvement in my record as well.
Level 24 was unexpected. It's interesting so I'll leave it like this for a while. Thanks for letting me know.

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