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A demake of World of Goo in Pico-8, a physics puzzler where you build giant towers of goo to reach dusty metal pipes.
A proper modding tutorial will be released soon, it's fairly easy to figure out yourself.

This game uses my complex background editor - https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=142282

  • Press Z/RMB to hum and lead goo balls
  • Hold X/LMB to pick up and drag goo balls
  • Use MOUSE/ARROW KEYS​ to move the cursor
  • Press ​W/SHIFT​ to skip a level (I won't judge)

Cart #super_world_of_goo_demo-1 | 2024-05-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#148834 2024-05-23 03:50 ( Edited 2024-05-23 16:47)



P#148838 2024-05-23 08:28

Amazing! Funniest story, I was trying to 100% legally access world of goo but it wasn't working, so I headed over to the next best place (CoolMaths Games), but then thought "Why not partake in Pico-8?" and voila, this work of art. Goes to show creative poeple can be with Pico. Keep up the 2008 indie game references!

P#148842 2024-05-23 10:02

my childhood game..

P#148847 2024-05-23 12:32

Very cool!

P#148857 2024-05-23 15:47

ive updated it to make focusing the cursor on stuff more reliable, and changed some goo behaviors

P#148884 2024-05-23 23:21

I remember playing this on my Amiga back in my high school years, and you're telling me they pulled it off on the PICO? I didn't even know the PICO-8 even had a mouse for it

(seriously though, this is pretty sick)

P#149279 2024-06-01 05:09

Really fun! I will say though in the balloon stage you can delete pieces off the side of the screen if you drag them the right way.
And the cursor while charming is really big and distracting (especially trying to grab the tiny goo balls) a crosshair or a pico mouse I'd prefer but that's just me

P#149283 2024-06-01 06:44

It brings my childhoobd memories back. Thanks

P#149742 2024-06-10 12:21

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