"funeral march of a marionette"
by charles gounod
arr. @packbat
thanks to alberto simoes and imslp, whose sheet music this was based on.
update 1 : added music
update 2 : added the minor arcana?!
update 3 : visual polish, added back faces to cards
update 4 : minor visual polish

First card I pulled was the devil. Well I =AM= sick as a dog right now, got that lovely pneumonia stuff.
Maybe old scratch is after me these days ?
If you're interested in this sort of thing (the fortune telling I mean), you might want to take a look at NES's own TABOO which is quite complete.

Thanks for suggesting the piece, @Mozz! I'd never tried to make music in PICO-8 before, and this was a delightful tune to spend time with. :D

no reversals? oh well still a really amazing and cute interactive deck. the music is appreciated too
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