A lot of stuff, but mostly background. I'm trying some new stuff with entity processing.
UI improvements. Hold the down key to access items.
Generation improvements and visualization.
Something interesting, hopefully.

Interesting indeed, I can see lots of potential with this.
By the name "Star Gardener", it sounds like one of those survival games where you have to get food and stuff.

I've never really played Stardew Valley, but I kind of want to.
I've played the old, original version of Spelunky, but it was one someone put on the Chrome Web Store, and due to certain glitches, I only managed to beat it once. Still loved it though.
At one point, this happened:
 there might be a tiny glitch.png)
If I remember right, I had thrown a bomb at a giant spider, and I went under it as the bomb exploded.

I could remember what game this reminds me of, but I remember now: Oxygen Not Included.

neat music, but it gets a little annoying after a while. I suggest a second part, if there is enough leftover memory space.

@qouka: The map is generated by randomly placing solid tiles, then placing more tiles around solid tiles repeatedly, then decorating the results. You can find the function that does this in code: "generatemap()"
@nonymousFog: I agree that the music can be a little grating...music and sound effects in general for me are a process of trial and error.

this is awesome! i would love some kind of tutorial on what to do : )
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