A cart that allows you to make sprites compatible with ESPR()
So basically I made a function to add sprites beyond PICO-8's 128 by 128 sprite sheet. Feel free to use this function with credit.
function espr(data,x,y,w,h,flp_x,flp_y) --[[ data is a list of all the pixels that make a sprite the sprites are 8 by 8 pixels this function can be used for easily adding new sprites into the game ]] list=split(tostr(data)) w=w or 8 h=h or (count(list)/8) x=x or 0 y=y or 0 local val=0 local backup={} repeat add(backup,sget(val%w,val/w)) val+=1 until val==h*w for pnum,p in pairs(list) do pnum-=1 if (pnum/w)<h then if p~=16 then sset(pnum%w,pnum/w,p) end end end sspr(0,0,w,h,x,y,w,h,flp_x,flp_y) for pnum,p in pairs(backup) do pnum-=1 if pnum<=w*h then sset(pnum%w,pnum/w,p) end end end |
So, for example, if I do this:
espr("12,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,12",0,0,17,2) |
It will output this:

Can you explain more how to use this? Where does the function "add" or "output" sprites?
If you’re open for some optimization ideas:
- use hex notation for colours rather than decimal
- pack two pixels in one byte

alright, so basically it's just spr() except, instead of there being a sprite number, it's just a string of values that make up the sprite. the values are separated by commas and go from left to right, and up to down.

Ah I see! You’re copying the value to spritesheet then restoring the original. Thanks for the reply.
One could make a small sprite editor that prints out data as hex numbers + a poke4 call (more efficient than sset), and the restore step could also be a simple 'reload'.

I don’t get how that message replies or addresses the ideas in my last message.
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