Voxel+Ludo = Vudo
This is a version of Ludo made in Voxatron. You can either play it with 2, 3 or 4 players. You can just carry and throw the characters you won't use to the side.
Feedback is appreciated, especially on the dice.

I like board games!
especially ones where someone gets angry and then throws the pieces everywhere in rage XD
I would like to see other board games if possible.
The die works fine.

Yeah, I still have the chess board that I need to update with 2 players. Hopefully this one inspire other people to make something similar. I'll try and think of a new one myself too.

The japanese game "go" seems to be an idea that has popped in my head. Why don't you give that a try? If you're stuck on some things, ask me, I am a master at that game.
The dice is.... interesting.

Nice suggestion. Have no idea what the rules of that game is though, why not give it a shot yourself?
Yes, the dice is weird. I did make a thread asking for some suggestions. The physics in Voxatron won't allow the thing to roll afaik, so it's just an animation. Could maybe have made it a bit better looking perhaps, but it works. :P

The rules of go are On Wikipedia, silly! It's a bit complicated, I agree, and I would possibly make it myself if I weren't busy with 3D Ace Pilot. However, I can still find a way to be helpful if you need my help :)
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